All you need to know about butterflies.

 What is the purpose of Butterflies?

Butterflies help flowers pollinate. A lot of plants need pollination to produce fruits. Bees and Butterflies are major pollinators. Butterflies attract to bright flowers to feed on Nectar. Their bodies collect pollen and carry it to other plants, this helps vegetables, fruits and flowers to produce new seeds.

Do butterflies kill you or there are any poisonous in the world?  There are no known species of butterfly poisonous enough to kill a human. However, they are few venomous caterpillars and moths that could kill a human with their Venom. Also, there is a butterfly named Papilio Antimachus which is a giant African butterfly and it has enough poison in its body to kill 6 cats.  As butterflies don't have jaws to bite a person it won't bite you unless one is silly to eat it. Papilio Antimachus butterfly is shown in the below image:

How long do they survive? Butterfly life span varies between species. They live from one day to two weeks or less and no adult butterfly can live more than a year. 

Butterfly Wings: Touching butterfly wings will not kill the butterfly. However, the color/patterns may fade away, which results in wiping out the patterns on the wings that are used to protect the butterfly from predators. Also, it might decrease the life span. 

Which is the most beautiful Butterfly in the world? Few butterflies are considered to be beautiful. However, Crowned Hairstreak is considered as first in number and it is said to be rare, also comes in green color. Below is the image of Crowned Hairstreak butterfly:


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